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Packaging production technologies and materials

Black printing and UV varnishing on black boxes. Print examples

We often receive inquiries regarding the type of black printing that can be applied to black cartons, its appearance, and how it differs from other options. The best way to address these inquiries is by showcasing the work that has already been done. We invite you to explore our collection of packing boxes, accompanied by expert commentary.

What distinguishes gold foiling from gold silk-screening?

Gold is one of the most often used colours for package printing since it is frequently linked with success, luxury, quality, and elegance. The many printing techniques that may be utilised to create gold logos and letters are examined in this article.

Screen printing on top of the lid

The easiest way to make a gift box or product package look better is to simply screen print a logo or brand on the lid. Here we will discuss on how to prepare a press layout yourself.

How is cardboard different from corrugated cardboard

It is often not clear to our buyers whether they need a package from cardboard or corrugated cardboard. This is an important choice and it is first necessary to distinguish between these two materials. They are very easy to distinguish and in this article we will discuss that and more.