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How to find the right size cardboard box

Need packing boxes? Is it even possible to find online the right size of packing box you need? SUPERBOX e-shop offers a quick and easy way to choose from more than 1,000 different sizes, models and colours of paper and packaging boxes.

What is RIGID packaging?

We receive enquiries about rigid packaging with magnets, ribbons or drawers. Customers want a logo embossed on the box, but often they need only 50-100 pcs. In this article, we will look at whether this is possible at a reasonable price.

What are the best fillers for the box? Ideas and tips

When packing different items, especially when there is more than one item in a box, it’s often a problem of arranging them orderly. These problems can easily be solved by using packaging fillers.

What is eco-friendly packaging? Part I: Recycling of packaging

What eco-friendly packaging? Can all packaging be recycled? Must eco-friendly packaging be made from recycled materials? We hope you will find the answer to these questions in our article.

We are sharing our knowledge with you

We have over a decade of experience in the industry, allowing us to accumulate considerable know-how and expertise. We’re here to share our knowledge with you, and provide answers to the most frequently asked questions in the field of package design, production and usage.
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