Flip lid horizontal long gift box for bottle packaging from black corrugated board.
Box is for bottles up to 330 mm high and 110 mm in diameter.
Used with or without V style insert. The insert is sold separately.
One box can fit about 40 g shredded paper filler.
Product specification:
Horizontali juoda pailga dėžė
Šias dėžutes užsakome jau antrą kartą ir esame labai patenkinti. Dėžutės lengvai sulankstomos, yra tvirtos ir patogios dovanų supakavimui.
Print description
We can put a one-color or two-color logo on the cover by silk screen printing.
You can submit your own layout or logo only to the print.
Layout requirements
Please provide a layout file in PDF format with a rectangle of the dimensions of the package lid and a vector logo of the desired size inside this rectangle. The colors of the logo must be indicated in the Pantone color palette.
Logo requirements
Please provide a vector version of the logo with the colors listed in the Pantone color palette.
For more information read here.