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1 product

  • Новинка
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Sturdy Brown Box for Parcels | 260x150x122 мм| SuperboxPackaging for Industrial Components
      favorite_border favorite
      favorite_border favorite
      0,83 €Цена
      Sturdy Brown Box for Parcels | 260x150x122 мм| SuperboxPackaging for Industrial Components
          Brown deep box made of strong and durable BC five-layer corrugated board (7 mm thick). BC-type cardboard boxes are distinguished by their exceptional strength and resistance. Packages made from this type of corrugated cardboard withstand drops, pressure, and other external environmental factors. Perfect for shipping and packaging products. Recommended amount of <a...
          favorite_border favorite
          0,83 €Цена
          favorite_border favorite
          Sturdy Brown Box for Parcels | 260x150x122 мм| SuperboxPackaging for Industrial Components
              Коричневые коробки
              Brown deep box made of strong and durable BC five-layer corrugated board (7 mm thick). BC-type cardboard boxes are distinguished by their exceptional strength and resistance. Packages made from this type of corrugated cardboard withstand drops, pressure, and other external environmental factors. Perfect for shipping and packaging products. Recommended amount of <a...
              favorite_border favorite
              0,83 €Цена
              favorite_border favorite
              Компоненты упаковочной промышленности

              Высококачественные коробки из толстого картона, предназначенные для упаковки тяжелых промышленных предметов, таких как винты, инструменты или технические детали. Коробки обеспечивают прочность, устойчивость и безопасную транспортировку, защищая содержимое от повреждений. Идеально подходят для логистики и хранения.