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Barcodes on packages and where to get them from

Barcodes on packages and where to get them from

What is a barcode?

Barcode technology is a pattern of light and dark dashes (segments) of predefined dimensions, arranged according to certain rules. Barcodes are like an optical Morse code: scanners measure the light reflected from the bars and interpret the barcode by translating it into letters and numbers. Automatically scanned information is then sent to computer systems.

Barcodes on product packaging

Barcodes on packaging identify the seller and the product sold. It is not hard to imagine what would happen if every manufacturer marked their goods with barcodes as they pleased. To make the codes unique and easy to read in all stores around the world, the GS1 Item Numbering System has been developed with the support of the international GS1 Organization (established in 1973). This system is based on the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) model and is designed to automate retail billing and accounting. GS1 unites 112 local GS1 organizations around the globe, and GS1 Standard users are served in as many as 150 countries.

The GTIN numbers on goods are represented in digital and barcode form, where each digit is assigned 2 bars and 2 spaces of different widths. The principles of bar coding and various other technical requirements for the symbols applied to items are defined by relevant international standards, and national standards issued on the basis thereof. This ensures that the item number generated in any country is easily readable in every corner of the world.

Where can I get a barcode?

The thirteen-digit GS1-13 number and the reduced eight-digit GS1-8 number for very small goods are commonly used for item numbering. So, you essentially only need a numeric code to assign to your product. The packaging designer will convert your sequence of numbers into a barcode using a graphic layout program. That unique code, denoting only your product, is provided by the representative of the international GS1 organization in Lithuania: GS1 Lithuania. You will need to log in to the GS1 System and submit an application for the registration of goods. More information can be found on the GS1 Lithuania website.

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